1910s Drop-tube Road Racer built from ‘A Pattern’ BSA Fittings

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Assembled from ‘A’ pattern (Road-Racing) BSA Fittings, this bicycle is exceedingly popular for racing and fast road riding purposes. The frame can be built either for 26in or 28in wheels, and with sloping or parallel top tube as desired.

– BSA Fittings catalogue description

BSA Fittings kick-started the cycle industry in many countries around the world, particularly in Australia, New Zealand and France. Small firms found it difficult to obtain quality components to build their own machines and launch new cycle businesses. So, at first, to get into the cycle business, most operated as agencies to resell major brands.

But when BSA launched their fittings business, small companies could at last supply their customers with bicycles built from BSA parts of consistent high quality. Small cycle makers everywhere used BSA parts to supply finished bicycles for their local area. A BSA company report in 1909 revealed that while there was a demand for complete BSA bicycles in Britain, there was still a huge demand and preference for BSA Fittings around the world.

1910 bsa racer

1910s Road Racer built from ‘A Pattern’ BSA Fittings

with Sloping Top Tube (1″ Drop)

Fixed Wheel

Standover height: 33.5″ / 32.5″

23″ Frame

(Now sold)

This road racer was restored by its previous owner, with new paint, and was used by him since. Its bright parts have been finished in dull nickel (because bright nickel looks too much like chrome, which would not be appropriate for a pre-1930 bicycle). There’s a blemish on the top of the right-side nickel fork crown, and the head clip is pitted under the nickel. The oiler is missing on the front hub (obtainable if required). It’s currently set up as fixed wheel; if the buyer prefers, I can substitute a retro wheel-set with coaster brake.

This BSA Fittings Machine is fitted with a leather racing saddle, BSA detachable chainring and matching pedals. It’s an attractive and practical lightweight road racer, and it rides well.





1914 bsa badge