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During a speed trial at Halle Berlin cyclist Pawlack skids on the wet track and is seriously injured : his bike needs attention too. – Date: 1933
1920s B.A.C Motorcycle Pacer (Project)
It’s missing its engine, and the front forks need adjusting to fit.
A V-twin belt-driven racing motorcycle used in the very dangerous sport of pacing, where a ‘stayer’ bicycle races close behind, paced by the motorcycle.
There were many fatalities, among both the cyclists and the motorcyclists.
I bought this four years ago as an accessory for my 1913 Stayer bicycle (not for sale). I did not get round to building it up, so it’s time for it to go to a new custodian who can either build it and ride it or use it as a static display to educate people about the extremely dangerous sport of motorcycle pacing.