1950s Curly Hetchins ‘Brilliant’

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1940 Curly Hetchins 1

My wonderful father sadly passed away in 2004, and I have had in my possession ever since his beautiful Hetchins bicycle.
He was a Tottenham lad, as was I, who one day dreamt of owning a Hetchins racer. He would tell me how he would stare for ages through the shop window on the Seven Sisters Road, and imagine what it would be like to ride one. Well, many many years later he came across a frame that had been abandoned and so, over he next five years, he set about restoring the bicycle that I now have in my garage. I am ashamed to say that I am a complete duffer when it comes to bicycles and their mechanics, and don’t have the first idea how to dismantle one. The chap who runs the Hetchins website kindly put together a myriad explanation of everything I would need to dismantle and look at in order to set a price to help me sell it. I confess to being lost after reading a few lines. 
The bicycle is sitting in a box in its 4th garage since 2004, and I’m afraid it stands there unappreciated and neglected. I know my dad would want it to go to an enthusiast, and wondeed if it might be something you would be interested in taking off my hands.
The above is a letter I received a few years ago from David in Hampshire, and I subsequently purchased the bicycle from him, selling it soon after to a friend. That friend has now asked me to resell it, so I’ve picked it up and you can see its photos here.
Lightweight bicycles are not my specialisation, I prefer pre-1920 machines. So I can’t tell you much about it except that it could do with a clean and polish and it’s ready to ride. I’m not sure of its age, but I’ve photographed its frame number so you can work it out for yourself.

1950s Curly Hetchins

24″ Frame

22″ Top Tube Length

(Now sold)

1940 Curly Hetchins 5
















hetchins frame number

1940 Curly Hetchins 4