1905 Aero Special Rudge-Whitworth Road Racer

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95% of cycle makers kept prices high. A few years before, R-W had stunned their competitors by dropping their prices. In 1903 they launched a lightweight range of bicycles – the Aero Special – and became the world’s leading cycle manufacturers.


1905 Aero Special Rudge-Whitworth Road Racer

24″ Frame

26″ Wheels (metal, painted to resemble wooden rims)

Fixed wheel

(Now sold)

This is a rare model of Road Racer because the top tube is horizontal rather than sloping. It’s fixed wheel without brakes and its metal wheel rims are painted to resemble wooden wheels.

It’s an old-time resoration. The paintwork is reasonable overall but there are blemishes here and there, some pitting under the paint, and crazing in a few places. It could do with a service, but it’s a fast lightweight machine and is rideable.





















































One of the earliest surviving British film advertisements is for Rudge-Whitworth bicycles. It’s a silent 30 second commercial which would have been shown before the main feature.

95% of cycle makers kept prices high. A few years before, R-W had stunned their competitors by dropping their prices. Now they launched a lightweight range of bicycles – the Aero Special – and became the world’s leading cycle manufacturers.

The chap in this advert is complaining about his Raleigh, and he then discovers a lady’s R-W Aero Special is much lighter than his bike. Was it a joke? Or a personal dig at Frank Bowden of Raleigh Cycle Co, Rudge’s main competitor?

See it here – https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/film/watch-rudge-whitworth-britains-best-bicycle-1902-online