1912 Royal Triumph No 5 Roadster (with Band brake)

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Band brakes came into use at the turn of the century. Various leading British manufacturers had their own designs, but they stopped offering it as an option after a few years. However, Triumph’s band brake, which was introduced in 1900, was so efficient and popular with customers that it continued as an option until the late 1920s.

This is a rare example that has a Sturmey Archer 3 speed gear combined with the band brake. The only gents’ models fitted with this option were the various Imperials and the Royal No 5. A band brake cost an extra 10/- for the Royal and the 3 speed was 10/- 5d extra.



1912 Royal Triumph No 5 Roadster

with Band brake

Sturmey-Archer ‘Model K’ 3-Speed Gear

23″ Frame

28″ Wheels

Frame No 201940

(Now sold)

This example is missing its chaincase cover and rear quadrant. Either relevant parts from another make of bicycle could be adapted, or the chaincase could be removed, as in the illustration below. The brakes and gears are in working order, with new cables. The rear tyre is fine and I’ll replace the one on the front.