1960 Curly Hetchins Frame

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The Curly Hetchins has become the most iconic of all lightweight bicycle models. This one was restored by local Brighton frame builder Les Rigden in the mid-1990s.


1960 Curly Hetchins – Frame, fork & badge only

21.5″ Frame (Top tube 21.5″ long)

Frame No H28226 (December, 1960)

(Now sold)

The seller of this Curly Hetchins frame purchased it from local restorer Les Rigden in 1995. It has been stored in his loft since, until I bought it from him at Uckfield Cycle Jumble on Saturday. There are a few paint chips but otherwise it’s in first class condition. The Tottenham headbadge is included with it, but is not attached.


The headbadge is with the bike but not fitted.

































1st Floor, 3&4 Upper Gardner St,

Brighton, BN1 4AN

Les Rigden built and restored classic lightweights from his ‘workshop’ above a shop in Upper Gardner Street close to an historic area of Brighton known as the lanes and close to the station. Entrance was through a small green door with a 49d crank as a handle, up some rickety wooden stairs with a rope for a hand rail and a bell under one of them to warn Les of your presence.

Once upstairs the whole workshop was full of interesting items as well as frames and bikes Les was always busy but still had time for a chat, his work was faultless and to a very high standard.

He had been a member of Camberley wheelers when he was younger and was friends with Frank Colden, BAR winner in 1962. In early life Les had been a printer but his love of bikes won him over and he decided on a career shift in 1973.  Initially he specialised in restoring classic frames to a very high standard and soon earned a reputation for high quality work which was worth waiting for as these things couldn’t be rushed in his eyes.

After some eight to nine years restoring and selling bikes he got the framebuilding itch and started to create a small number of very personalised frames for customers.

I took photos yesterday of Les Rigden’s old workshop, to show how it looks now.

Frame No H28226

(December, 1960)


No frame number under the bottom bracket


