Few 200-year-old hobby horses have survived. So replicas were built by cycle enthusiasts to enjoy the sensations that would have been experienced by the original pioneers. There were no pedals in those days. To move forwards, the rider sat astride of the machine and walked it along, and then coasted once they had built up sufficient speed. It was known as ‘Swift-walking’.
1819 Hobby Horse (Green Replica)
(Now sold)
There are very few surviving original hobby horses: they are in museums and are much too valuable to use on the road. So enthusiasts build their own, and often ride them in appropriate vintage events. The interesting thing about this type of machine is that despite it being over two centuries since the Hobby Horse was invented, traditional carpentry, blacksmith work, saddlemaking and wheelwright skills have not changed that much. So it’s possible to use similar methods of construction to create replicas.
This one is owned by friends who no longer use it. You can see a video below that I took of it being ridden at a Denis Johnson centenary event in London in 2018. Here’s my friend’s report:
“It was ridden once or twice a year over 4 or 5 years but has since been sat in a garage since 2018 and not ridden. The wheels are wobbly and need tightening but we didn’t know how to do it. It previously had a bit of woodworm in the spokes but was treated so there’s no live woodworm and it’s not anything to cause weakness. The armrest leather has some splits at the top and damage to the sides. The saddle is adjustable but we have never changed it, so if you wanted to adjust it the bolts might need freeing off.”
It has the maker’s name Peter Hoyte on the underside of the saddle, and an old brass bell underneath the armrest.
If you’re interested in the early to mid-19th century, this would be an excellent opportunity (and a cheap option) to take part in events with a period machine. The last three photos show the owner with it at a Jane Austen event.
I worked as the publicity officer at the International Cycling History Conference at The Guildhall in the City of London in 2018, so I attended this nearby event celebrating the 200 year anniversary of Denis Johnson’s hobby horse. I photographed enthusiasts riding their (replica) hobby horses to Johnson’s original shop at 75 Long Acre in Covent Garden.
The following explanation of the Hobby Horse appeared in ‘Pinnock’s Catechism of Mechanics,’ published in 1823.
Denis Johnson (born 1760) was a coachmaker who patented the ‘Pedestrian Curricle’, or ‘Hobby Horse’, in England. His premises were located at 75 Long Acre, London.
It seems that just over 300 machines were built, with production having been estimated at around 25 a week. Two were sold in May 1819 to the Duke of Northumberland for £11 each. The early machines were steered by long, curved, iron rods that connected to the front wheel hub, but most were made with the handlebar operating directly onto the top of the front forks. Johnson managed to improve the hobby horse with iron forks instead of wood, and a curved frame that was more elegant and lighter (around 50 lbs).
Riding schools were established to teach people how to ride this revolutionary new form of independent transportation.