1913 Royal Enfield Lady’s Girder (X Frame)

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1913 Royal Enfield Riche Duplex GirderLady’s

(Royal Enfield’s version of the X Frame)

Eadie Coaster brake

Lucas No 78 Rear carrier rack

Frame No 19041

This Royal Enfield Riche Duplex Girder Lady’s has survived 11 decades and is still in excellent condition. It was repainted many years ago and though the paintwork has some scratches it is good overall. I’ve dated it by its chainwheel – the Royal Enfield ‘Gun’ chainwheel was introduced in 1913. It’s ready to ride.




Every company likes a gimmick. Crossframes or bicycles uniquely constructed with an extra tube were not only easily identifiable as the product of a particular maker, but the design also suggests extra rigidity and strength. Even if this is only a psychological rather than an actual advantage, it was still of great benefit in advertising and sales. Raleigh used their Superbe ‘X Frame’ as their top-of-the-range machine for over thirty years, until the early thirties. Premier’s ‘Royal’ and Centaur’s ‘Resilient’ fulfilled a similar function. Elswick’s ‘Trussframe’ had down tubes that crossed. Iver Johnson in America and Labor in France used an ‘Arch Frame’ which was extremely distinctive. And American ‘motobike’ styling used twin top tubes as standard, with an optional ‘tank’ between the tubes.

It cost these companies more money to provide unique tubing styles, and each of the manufacturers mentioned above made quality products in any case. But the problem for cycle companies was that there were a lot of ‘cowboy’ builders – so unique styling separated their products from the cheap rubbish also vying for unwary customer’s money.

The Enfield Cycle Co Ltd patented this ‘Girder’ design for Gent’s and Lady’s bicycles and introduced it in 1902. The ‘Duplex’ and the ‘Duplex Riche’ (introduced in 1907) became their flagship models. Most of the company’s advertising included one of these bicycles, either a Lady’s or a Gent’s. Royal Enfield ‘Duplex’ bicycles were so successful they continued in production until the late 1920s. This was probably past their ‘sell-by’ date, but by that time they appealed to nostalgic older riders who, again, would have been attracted by the feeling of extra safety in the design. Observe from the catalogue description that Royal Enfield also provided a 20″ frame model with 26″ wheels to appeal to women of shorter stature as well as older folk who preferred a ‘low-built’ bike where their feet could touch the ground. They also made an ‘open-frame’ 225cc motorcycle specifically for female riders: in the early days of motorcycling, many women (their interest nurtured by cycling) progressed to riding motorcycles, particularly lightweights. As a result of World War One, where women drove ambulances and buses, women represented a viable new market for motorcycle manufacturers.

The Lady’s Duplex looks like a cross frame at first glance, although further examination shows that the cross tube runs from the headstock to the down tube rather than to the bottom bracket.

Gent’s machines included both a ‘Standard Girder’ and a more expensive ‘Duplex Girder.’ The difference is the tube or tubes behind the bottom of the seat tube: a Girder has one short tube running to the rear stays behind the bottom bracket, while a Duplex has two.